A list of field closures will be added to this page the day of any heavy rain/storm events.
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This procedure is to be strictly followed to ensure everyone is notified of any changes to matches due to Wet Weather
DAY / NIGHT PRIOR The Club whose field is unavailable is to inform the Competition Manager, if not available the MC Region Committee Representative, and the procedure for Field Unavailability is to apply.
MORNING of MATCH The following procedure will occur on the morning of the scheduled match: Please Note
Whilst the procedure below is taking place all others should stay off the phone.
Remember if it just raining and has not been heavy for more than one day, matches will generally be still on.
Golden Rule is if you have not received a phone call the match is still on.
6.00 - 6.25am Club Representative e.g. President to notify competition manager by phone or test message that fields are unavailable after recommendations and decisions of the state of the grounds reached in consultation with Ground Curators, where applicable.
6.25 - 6.50am After direction from the Competition Manager, the Club Representative is to contact opposition Club Contacts to notify them of field closure, or alternate arrangement.
6.50 - 7.00am Competition Manager will notify the Referee Representative of any field closures and/or alternate arrangements.
Clubs affected notify their Team Managers, youngest age group first, of field closures or alternate arrangements as directed by the Competition Manager.
7.00am onwards Team Manager notifies Team Members.